Nominated as one of Top Indian Food Blogger – 2019
Hello Friends,
I am glad to share with you “Tasty Appetite” has been selected as “one of best blogs of 2019″ by TripCrafters.com
The fact that my hard work has been recognized instills the confidence in me to continue blogging with best of my abilities! Its an amazing feeling of getting acknowledged for your efforts you put in your work. Thank you so much for giving me such a honour. This award improves my self confidence & also gives the more responsibility of further blogging!
Also I want to thank you all my wonderful readers and dear friends, who made this happen. Thank you for your suggestions and feedback throughout this blogging journey. Its comforting to know that I have such great people surrounding me. Looking forward for your continued support and encouragement.
Have a great day!
Jayanthy Kumaran
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