Being selected as a contestant or even as the star of The Bachelor or The Bachelorette seems like a real-life fantasy. Think about it: Tons of gorgeous people leave behind their jobs and family just to take the ultimate shot at romance with you. Galavanting around the world, garnering instant fame and endorsements for Instagram, getting mixed up in messy situations, and even finding your one true love seems intoxicating. It’s a dream come true, right? Well, think again. For starters, a lot of drama unfolds behind the scenes and off-camera which viewers aren’t privy to. The contestants and stars of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette are asked to engage in some rather shady scenarios due largely to the fine print in their contracts. As it turns out, not everything is champagne and roses on the hit ABC reality shows.While the fantasy certainly exists on TV, it doesn’t always translate into real life. In fact, all of the contestants are asked to fulfill the weirdest contractual obligations. These rules demonstrate the inane ways in which people are willing to do anything for fame or that coveted final rose. Despite claims from contestants about how this process really works, there is a lot of unseen manipulation going on. Much of this behavior is controlling and arbitrary. Both The Bachelor and The Bachelorette have been on ABC for almost two decades, yet the popular franchise’s guidelines have gotten even wilder and unnecessary over time. Which ones are we talking about exactly? Well, keep reading to find out because these outrageous contractual obligations will leave you totally floored.
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